Just two days after my "catapult dream" in September of 2019, I had what I can only describe as a spiritual experience with the divine.
I went to bed at the usual time, but I felt a little bit restless as the experiences of the previous couple weeks—the suicide of my friend, the "paranormal" goodbye episode with him, and the profound dream—were still on my mind. I had been studying and practicing meditation for a few months by then, and I thought I would try some techniques each time I found myself awake again.
I woke up at least three different times and gazed into the blackness behind my closed eyes to keep my mind focused and awake while allowing my body to drift back into sleep. It was difficult for my mind to stay awake. I kept falling back to sleep. At some point, I began dreaming that I was standing at the end of my bed looking at myself sleeping in bed. Then, an unusual thing happened. I became aware that I was dreaming this. In other words, I became lucid in my dream.
Instantly, I felt myself back in bed and no longer dreaming but in that place between dreams. Again, I gazed into the blackness behind my closed eyes to keep my mind focused, while I continued to keep my body still and relaxed. Behind my closed eyes (so with my "nonphysical eyes"), I saw a tiny light appear in the blackness in my peripheral vision. I felt a little anxious as if something scary was going to happen, maybe because it was an unfamiliar feeling to me.
Suddenly, I felt a powerful surge of vibrations throughout my entire body. I felt fully lucid and aware of what was happening. I also saw (through my closed eyes) a goldish light emanating from my body and extending upward a few feet. I heard celestial sounds of something like a marimba or xylophone along with rushing wind. I had never heard such music before. The sound was so pure; it was as if I had headphones on. My essence felt full of unconditional love, and I thought if my husband woke up, he’d see a smile on my face and tears running down my cheeks. I feel like the experience lasted for only about 15 seconds and then simply faded away, but it was exhilarating!
I have not experienced light emanating from me like that nor have I heard that kind of music again, but I continue to have experiences of what I now know is called "the vibrational state." This was just the beginning of many lucid dreams and out-of-body experiences to come.

I too am plagued with this sort of strangeness, i SEE with my eyes fully shielded from all light sources, had vivid pictures shown me , left my body went into orbit too much to tell i am lost in this do not understand why or what's happening. It's been happening since about 2013 but all my life i had weirdness and as a child i used to leave my body and fly . Thanks for sharing xx