Gentle spirit with a broken soul
The harshness of life took its toll
Standing strong on your own for so long
Knowing deep down you didn’t belong
Busy with purpose for one and for all
Decades of diligence, a feat so tall
The sacrifice was great, but ripples will come
Resist feelings of defeat, do not succumb
Giving up love, no easy price to pay
Lessons that come with it lost in the day
So much love to give and hungry to receive
But love isn’t always enough to simply proceed
Gentle spirit with a broken soul
Look deep within and take back control
Pick up the fragments, create your desire
Manifest your own reality now with passion and fire
Be the pure heart that matches your spirit
Love yourself completely, do not fear it
Worthy of love, always have been always will
Remember who you are with wonder and thrill
Live strong and fearlessly without regret
Enjoy your life, be present, but never forget
To experience deep love is always a cost
But it reaches into eternity and is never lost
