I judge you. Your look. Your weight. Your piercings. Your tattoos. Your makeup. Your fashion sense. Your plastic surgery.
I judge you. Your religion. Your Holy Rosary. Your cross. Your Buddha. Your communion. Your Dharma. Your karma.
I judge you. Your sexual orientation. Your gender identity. Your bisexuality. Your queerness. Your questioning. Your inclusion. Your choice to be an ally.
I judge you. For questioning... your patriarchal upbringing. Your Bible. Your authority figures. Your man. Your pastor. Your church elders. Your status quo culture.
I judge you. For growing outside of the religious box. For trusting personal experience over manmade doctrines. For stretching beyond patriarchal restraints. For thinking for yourself. For following your own intuition. For evolving as a human. For evolving as a spiritual being.
I judge me. I don't like myself. I am afraid of being wrong. I have phobias I don’t understand. I am afraid of rejection. I am afraid of expressing my true self. My judgment of you is really my judgment of myself.
September 26, 2020 Featured artwork by Vladislav Reshetnyak
