I flipped through the pages of your coloring book today. I remember the many times I reminded you to stay within the lines, thinking that would help you become who you needed to be in order to be accepted in this world, to be successful in this world, to be happy in this world. The random, colorful markings of your crayons crept more and more outside the lines with the turn of each page until finally an entirely new image was created far beyond the limits of those lines. And suddenly my silly fears and concerns were swept away by the stunning beauty of your creations; and in a moment, worldly acceptance and success and happiness became quite dim in the light of such unique, precious, wonderful images and pictures that emerged from your imagination and soul. Don't follow or stay within the lines others give you. Follow your lines, my child, and watch beauty spring forth and bloom from the expressions of your heart.
Love, Mom (a lover of your soul)
